Chris Haueter – BJJ Streetfighting: Street guard 1-2 (1999)
Remember i have slow upload speed so please be patient or the first time ever the curriculum of BJJ is brought out onto the street on video! Chris brings his vast amount of knowledge and skill as a BJJ American black belt with the Machado brothers, a JKD instructor Dan Inosanto, a former Chris Haueterkickboxer and wrestler, into this action packed six tape series. We promise that you will never seen much of the material presented on these tapes on video ever before!
CH# 2: Street guard (part 1)Chris shows takedowns for a street and Vale Tudo, including how to enter safely on a bigger opponent, pummeling and modified clinch. And the introduction into dynamic, aggressive guard designed specifically for the street! Including the use of “whizzer” in the guard. This is a must see tape.
CH# 3: Street guard (part 2)Chris shows how to set up your offense in the guard, including the climbing armlock. How to defend from strikes while in the guard on the street, as well as how to kick while in the guard and get back to yours feet! Chris also teaches the “snakecatcher” technique used to get in on someone who is kicking at you from the guard. This material was never before shown on video!
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