Real-World ACTIONABLE Core Training
The term ‘core training’ gets thrown around a lot in our industry (and in the general public). There are lots of philosophies about core training and what is the best way to do it.
The strength guys say something like “forget doing abs, just do heavy squats and deadlifts”. The functional guys say “lying down is not functional, all core training must be done standing”.
Then you go on YouTube and see 1000’s of so-called ‘ab’ and ‘core’ exercises. Programming and terminology from these YouTube stars are all over the place and even contradicting.
So, who do we believe?
This is where I sought-out my go-to expert, Coach Mike Boyle. I wanted him to clear up the confusion once and for all so that trainers and coaches can all be on the same page with what actually works and approach core training with programming that is scientifically sound and real-world effective.
For your clients, you are just looking for results and ways to improve performance, so we came up with the new Complete Core program.
With so many different opinions about core training available, one of the main objectives of Complete Core is to clear up some misconceptions and disagreements about core training. The idea is to highlight the similarities in core training, instead of the differences, in order to make a complete core training system that works.
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