Tammy Nelson – Reviving Desire in Low Sex & No Sex Couples: A 4-Step Erotic Recovery Plan
Help clients talk about what they desire and how they desire it—without shame or fear…
So they can deepen emotional intimacy and rediscover their sensual connection—even after betrayal or trauma
Our lives are all about relationships. Our relationship to ourselves, to each other, to our sexuality, and our spouses and intimate partners.
Let’s face it, if you’re working with people, you’re working with relationships. And not only do you need to talk to clients about their relationships, but also about their sexuality…
Because clients want to talk more about their sex life…
But they often feel like it’s not allowed. And when people can’t be who they fully are, they end up feeling ashamed, isolated and unfulfilled.
That’s why it’s important for us as therapists to get comfortable with sexuality and open that conversational door, so clients know it’s OK to be a whole, sexual being.
In this all-new studio course, I’ll share with you my simple 4-step plan for helping clients integrate all the parts of themselves so they can share their deep, intimate desires with each other.
Through in-session demonstrations with real-life clients, and an intimate studio setting, you’ll discover the same tools and strategies I’ve used to help thousands of clients overcome frustration and disconnection…
So they can be together not only sexually, but share their deepest psychological, emotional, and even their spiritual needs.
When you help them be in that space, you change everything.
Why is it so difficult to talk about sexuality, desire, and how to get what we really want from our partners—without feeling ashamed or afraid?
And how can you, the therapist, help heal this often-ignored aspect of relationship therapy?
Click the video below for a sneak peek into Tammy’s all-new studio course, where she reveals—in less than 3 minutes—why healing clients’ erotic lives is essential to your practice.
What You’ll Discover in This Course
- Tearing down the myth of “normal” sexuality
- How the “Crisis of Integrity” is hurting men and their intimate relationships
- Moving away from the performance model of sex and intimacy into a pleasure model
- Taking the pathology out of sexuality and focusing on pleasure disorders
Tammy helps real-life couple Justin & Amy heal after an affair
The 4-Step Erotic Recovery Plan
- Understanding the symptoms and getting to the root of pleasure denial
- How to release restrictions around women’s pleasure and the shaming of male desire
- Assessing whether the problem is with desire or arousal, which are two distinct elements of eroticism
- The importance of creating a regular “sex date” in every monogamy agreement
- Discover what purpose the resistance serves in the relationships (protection, control, etc.)
- How conflict avoidance can murder a couple’s erotic life—and how to use conflict and anger constructively
- Simple tools your clients can use to reestablish or deepen their emotional connection
- The #1 secret to transforming anyone’s sex life for the better (hint: It’s NOT compromise!)
- Tips and tools for helping clients understand and transform the physical repulsion of pleasure aversion into desire
- How to address the three symptoms of a sexless marriage
- Sentence stems your clients can use to generate empathy and expand understanding
- How to start talking about a new, shared vision of your clients’ future
- Recognizing your own narrative biases so you can avoid power transference and offer the best treatment possible
- Helping couples create an explicit monogamy agreement to facilitate healing and set up future expectations of the relationship
- How to get better results by moving away from the Trauma Triangle of therapy toward using the Pleasure model
- Sharing fantasies is essential to erotic recovery. Help your clients share their fantasies with each other using the Erotic Curiosity Spectrum
Meet Your Course Expert:
Tammy Nelson, Ph.D., is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice, a relationship expert and international speaker, an author, a faculty member and teacher with a Doctorate in Philosophy in Clinical Sexology. She is a Board-Certified Sexologist, a Diplomate of the American Board of Sexologists, a Licensed Professional Counselor, an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, a Registered Art Therapist, a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, a Certified Imago Relationship therapist and an Advanced Imago Clinician.
Dr. Tammy is the author of several books including, The New Monogamy; Redefining Your Relationship After Infidelity (2013), Getting the Sex You Want: Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together (2008) and What’s Eating You?: A Workbook for Anorexia and Bulimia (2004). She is the author of Six Weeks to Desire (2013) eBook, as well as several chapters of edited compilations and articles in professional journals. Dr. Nelson has been a featured expert in NY Times, Washington Post, Redbook, MSNBC, Shape, Men’s Health, Woman’s Day, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and a source in Time magazine. She writes for Huffington Post, Your Tango, and Psychotherapy Networker, as well as her own popular blog www.drtammynelson.com/blog/
Tammy speaks internationally and gives workshops and Intensives for couples and trains therapists around the world on issues relating to sex and relationships. Her campaigns reach audiences in the hundreds of thousands, both for clinical and consumer audiences. Her goal is to create global relational change through personal transformation.
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