Thorald Koren – Fall In Love With Your Soul’s Voice Through Song
Module 1: Bringing Your Voice Safely Into the Creative Unknown (May 19)
The Brothers Koren believe that singing is a radical act of self-love… and singing your story requires tremendous courage. Singing also creates measurable vitality and joy, and empowers your voice in all areas of your life.
Many people have received negative, untrue, and hurtful feedback about their voices. Thorald and Isaac will set a safe space for you to reclaim your power and learn to love your voice again.
In this opening session, you’ll be lovingly invited to enter an entirely different doorway of assessment — enabling you to see that YOU are incomparable, unmistakable, fascinating, and wholly distinct as a voice.
You’ll start to experience your soul’s song through a practical and alchemical songwriting journey — and uncover your power and self-compassion through sound and singing.
You’ll learn to identify the key elements of your voice and discover the outline of creating song… as you become aware of your body as an instrument that was made to sing, and re-familiarize yourself with the music you truly love.
In this module, Isaac and Thorald will guide you to:
- Identify the core elements of your voice
- Adopt new ways of being with your voice
- Feel safe and trusting in the loving container they’ll hold throughout this course
- Discover your unique “musical cosmology”
Module 2: Moving Beyond the Inhibitions of the “Small Voice” Into Embodied Self-Expression (May 26)
In Thorald and Isaac’s experience, singing in front of others can be uncomfortable, anxiety-provoking, emotional, and even terrifying for many people — bringing up difficult feelings we prefer not to experience. The brothers will set a safe space for you to act powerfully and compassionately, even amidst all those common feelings.
In this module, you’ll uncover and cultivate a new relationship with the inhibitive small voices that limit your full expression. You’ll powerfully connect your voice to who you are at your core.
Isaac and Thorald will show you how music can be a healing space to access the courage to feel difficult emotions that long to be expressed. And, you’ll start to understand music as a sacred tool for self-exploration, play, and sensing the divine in your life.
In this confidence-building session, you’ll:
- Start to break through your inhibitions to use your voice and express yourself creatively
- Identify and reawaken to the music that’s moved you throughout your life
- Rediscover your power and reconnect to your whole-body instrument
- Enjoy a new sense of unbridled freedom
Module 3: Listening, Receiving & Expressing Through Your Open Creative Channel (June 2)
Thorald and Isaac believe that we can only sing what we hear. In their experience, you develop your capacity to express as you grow your ability to receive.
In this session, you’ll become actively aware of the part of you who’s listening, breathing, downloading, sensing, and receiving… as you allow yourself to explore the possibility of song with generosity and openness to your own inner voice.
You’ll learn techniques for creative channeling as it relates to melody and song. And, you’ll acquire practical tools for beginners who wish to experience the songwriting process.
This class will help you:
- Identify key memories to unlock your authentic voice
- Start to develop trust in your creative channel
- Learn to breathe like a singer
- Allow yourself to take risks with your creative expression… tapping into your courage and confidence
Module 4: Singing Your Electric Body — With Guest Teacher Eileen McKusick (June 9)
Your voice is the sum total of the resonance that you are. Every cell, every organ, every part of your whole-body instrument is constantly sounding out.
Isaac and Thorald say that your sound is born to the magnetic ionospheric space around you, a resonant cavity that spans 360 degrees all around you. Your voice is a megaphone for your inner vibrancy, passion, generosity, and gravity.
In this module, the remarkable creator of Biofield Tuning, Eileen McKusick, will join the brothers to share a new paradigm for exploring the human body through a series of vocal sounds meant to tune the human instrument into wholeness and equilibrium. You’ll learn new techniques to tune your body like an instrument.
When you’re present and you occupy the space of your instrument more fully, you experience a level of equanimity and vibrancy that makes space for the creative impulse.
Shift faculty Eileen McKusick is a researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator, and speaker on the effects of audible sound on the human body and biofield. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning, and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, which conducts grant-funded, peer-reviewed studies on the human biofield. She’s the author of the award-winning bestselling book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing With Vibrational Sound Therapy and the new book Electric Body, Electric Health. She’s also the inventor of a revolutionary and much-loved tool, the Sonic Slider, and the CEO of BioSona, LLC, which provides sound-therapy tools and training globally.
You’ll also:
- Discover your electric body as a sonic instrument
- Learn how to tune to your “human scale” to find equilibrium and equanimity in your voice
- Begin to understand your creative type and experience yourself in the new possibility of song
- Learn to trust your first impulse when making choices so you can experience true creative freedom
- Experience a space of dancing with the “downloader”
Module 5: Cultivating Courage, Self-Love, Nonattachment & Freedom Through Healing Musical Practices (June 16)
As you experience your voice and creativity more and more, you cultivate your capacity for self-love and daring courage. When you play with your voice and gather evidence, you begin to feel more valuable and lovable.
In this module, you’ll gain practical tools to cultivate courage and self-love through simple musical practices… and you’ll grow in your awareness of music as a healing art and an expression of vitality.
You’ll start to feel the freedom of being an experience, rather than a performance, as you allow yourself to step into your instrument with both feet, without attachment to the result.
In this session, Thorald and Isaac will provide you with everything you need to:
- Learn how to reach nonattachment, and decrease your fears of performing by “daring to suck” and “getting a C”
- Fall back in love with your creative channel and the sound of your own voice
- Allow yourself to be witnessed and received, so you can feel the satisfaction of belonging and embodiment
Module 6: Stepping Into Songwriting in Celebration of Your Soul’s Voice (June 23)
You’re now ready to fully receive the gift of your voice — and step into song!
Isaac and Thorald will encourage you to trust your creative channel and use the tools they’ve provided throughout the course… to leap into the creative process of songwriting with them.
This session will weave together the threads of everything you’ve explored in this program so far — to create your own musical work.
You’ll discover the nourishing effects of celebrating your voice with others in a safe space. And you’ll learn practical techniques to continue this musical journey in your daily life.
This module will offer you the opportunity to:
- Understand the incomparable nature of your soul’s voice through song
- Love the vulnerability of your voice
- Experience the power of allowing yourself to be seen and heard
- Allow others to know your soul through song
- Tell your valuable story through melody and lyrics, just the way you are, as only you can
Module 7: Sharing Your Song & Opening to the Reflection of Your Magnificence (June 30)
It’s important to stop and receive the magnificence of who you are, and to reflect on the journey you’ve walked… to reap the benefits of your inner work.
In this final class, you’ll be invited to take stock of the bravery and persistence it took to see this course through to completion. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect on how your relationship with your voice has changed over the past seven weeks… and to notice not only the outcome of your musical journey — but how you fully grasp the benefits of singing.
And, finally, Thorald and Isaac will help you explore what might be possible for your voice in your life beyond this course.
You’ll walk away from this closing session with the ability to keep exploring:
- What’s next for you in your voice journey
- What’s possible in your life now that you’ve reclaimed your voice
- Yourself as a self-expressed instrument of the divine
Module 1: Bringing Your Voice Safely Into the Creative Unknown (May 19)
The Brothers Koren believe that singing is a radical act of self-love… and singing your story requires tremendous courage. Singing also creates measurable vitality and joy, and empowers your voice in all areas of your life.
Many people have received negative, untrue, and hurtful feedback about their voices. Thorald and Isaac will set a safe space for you to reclaim your power and learn to love your voice again.
In this opening session, you’ll be lovingly invited to enter an entirely different doorway of assessment — enabling you to see that YOU are incomparable, unmistakable, fascinating, and wholly distinct as a voice.
You’ll start to experience your soul’s song through a practical and alchemical songwriting journey — and uncover your power and self-compassion through sound and singing.
You’ll learn to identify the key elements of your voice and discover the outline of creating song… as you become aware of your body as an instrument that was made to sing, and re-familiarize yourself with the music you truly love.
In this module, Isaac and Thorald will guide you to:
- Identify the core elements of your voice
- Adopt new ways of being with your voice
- Feel safe and trusting in the loving container they’ll hold throughout this course
- Discover your unique “musical cosmology”
Module 2: Moving Beyond the Inhibitions of the “Small Voice” Into Embodied Self-Expression (May 26)
In Thorald and Isaac’s experience, singing in front of others can be uncomfortable, anxiety-provoking, emotional, and even terrifying for many people — bringing up difficult feelings we prefer not to experience. The brothers will set a safe space for you to act powerfully and compassionately, even amidst all those common feelings.
In this module, you’ll uncover and cultivate a new relationship with the inhibitive small voices that limit your full expression. You’ll powerfully connect your voice to who you are at your core.
Isaac and Thorald will show you how music can be a healing space to access the courage to feel difficult emotions that long to be expressed. And, you’ll start to understand music as a sacred tool for self-exploration, play, and sensing the divine in your life.
In this confidence-building session, you’ll:
- Start to break through your inhibitions to use your voice and express yourself creatively
- Identify and reawaken to the music that’s moved you throughout your life
- Rediscover your power and reconnect to your whole-body instrument
- Enjoy a new sense of unbridled freedom
Module 3: Listening, Receiving & Expressing Through Your Open Creative Channel (June 2)
Thorald and Isaac believe that we can only sing what we hear. In their experience, you develop your capacity to express as you grow your ability to receive.
In this session, you’ll become actively aware of the part of you who’s listening, breathing, downloading, sensing, and receiving… as you allow yourself to explore the possibility of song with generosity and openness to your own inner voice.
You’ll learn techniques for creative channeling as it relates to melody and song. And, you’ll acquire practical tools for beginners who wish to experience the songwriting process.
This class will help you:
- Identify key memories to unlock your authentic voice
- Start to develop trust in your creative channel
- Learn to breathe like a singer
- Allow yourself to take risks with your creative expression… tapping into your courage and confidence
Module 4: Singing Your Electric Body — With Guest Teacher Eileen McKusick (June 9)
Your voice is the sum total of the resonance that you are. Every cell, every organ, every part of your whole-body instrument is constantly sounding out.
Isaac and Thorald say that your sound is born to the magnetic ionospheric space around you, a resonant cavity that spans 360 degrees all around you. Your voice is a megaphone for your inner vibrancy, passion, generosity, and gravity.
In this module, the remarkable creator of Biofield Tuning, Eileen McKusick, will join the brothers to share a new paradigm for exploring the human body through a series of vocal sounds meant to tune the human instrument into wholeness and equilibrium. You’ll learn new techniques to tune your body like an instrument.
When you’re present and you occupy the space of your instrument more fully, you experience a level of equanimity and vibrancy that makes space for the creative impulse.
Shift faculty Eileen McKusick is a researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator, and speaker on the effects of audible sound on the human body and biofield. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning, and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, which conducts grant-funded, peer-reviewed studies on the human biofield. She’s the author of the award-winning bestselling book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing With Vibrational Sound Therapy and the new book Electric Body, Electric Health. She’s also the inventor of a revolutionary and much-loved tool, the Sonic Slider, and the CEO of BioSona, LLC, which provides sound-therapy tools and training globally.
You’ll also:
- Discover your electric body as a sonic instrument
- Learn how to tune to your “human scale” to find equilibrium and equanimity in your voice
- Begin to understand your creative type and experience yourself in the new possibility of song
- Learn to trust your first impulse when making choices so you can experience true creative freedom
- Experience a space of dancing with the “downloader”
Module 5: Cultivating Courage, Self-Love, Nonattachment & Freedom Through Healing Musical Practices (June 16)
As you experience your voice and creativity more and more, you cultivate your capacity for self-love and daring courage. When you play with your voice and gather evidence, you begin to feel more valuable and lovable.
In this module, you’ll gain practical tools to cultivate courage and self-love through simple musical practices… and you’ll grow in your awareness of music as a healing art and an expression of vitality.
You’ll start to feel the freedom of being an experience, rather than a performance, as you allow yourself to step into your instrument with both feet, without attachment to the result.
In this session, Thorald and Isaac will provide you with everything you need to:
- Learn how to reach nonattachment, and decrease your fears of performing by “daring to suck” and “getting a C”
- Fall back in love with your creative channel and the sound of your own voice
- Allow yourself to be witnessed and received, so you can feel the satisfaction of belonging and embodiment
Module 6: Stepping Into Songwriting in Celebration of Your Soul’s Voice (June 23)
You’re now ready to fully receive the gift of your voice — and step into song!
Isaac and Thorald will encourage you to trust your creative channel and use the tools they’ve provided throughout the course… to leap into the creative process of songwriting with them.
This session will weave together the threads of everything you’ve explored in this program so far — to create your own musical work.
You’ll discover the nourishing effects of celebrating your voice with others in a safe space. And you’ll learn practical techniques to continue this musical journey in your daily life.
This module will offer you the opportunity to:
- Understand the incomparable nature of your soul’s voice through song
- Love the vulnerability of your voice
- Experience the power of allowing yourself to be seen and heard
- Allow others to know your soul through song
- Tell your valuable story through melody and lyrics, just the way you are, as only you can
Module 7: Sharing Your Song & Opening to the Reflection of Your Magnificence (June 30)
It’s important to stop and receive the magnificence of who you are, and to reflect on the journey you’ve walked… to reap the benefits of your inner work.
In this final class, you’ll be invited to take stock of the bravery and persistence it took to see this course through to completion. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect on how your relationship with your voice has changed over the past seven weeks… and to notice not only the outcome of your musical journey — but how you fully grasp the benefits of singing.
And, finally, Thorald and Isaac will help you explore what might be possible for your voice in your life beyond this course.
You’ll walk away from this closing session with the ability to keep exploring:
- What’s next for you in your voice journey
- What’s possible in your life now that you’ve reclaimed your voice
- Yourself as a self-expressed instrument of the divine
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